new year

This New Year, Let’s Nurture Our Will to Want to Live

Note: This column includes a mention of suicide. The most powerful force within people is the impulse to stay alive. Our survival instinct is so strong that we’re willing and inexplicably able to perform inhuman feats and take unimaginable risks. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, survival is the foundation…

The Unexpected Joy Emanating From Detective-watching

“Cellophane shrink-wrapped, so correct Red dogs under illegal legs … She is watching the detectives ‘Ooh, it’s so cute.'” Elvis Costello’s homage to film noir crime drama, “Watching the Detectives,” inadvertently became a musical tipping point as 2021 bled into 2022. On Dec. 30, my pastor — and dear…

Things Can Change Quickly With ALS

On New Year’s Eve, I took our kids and their friends bowling. My husband, Todd, who has ALS and is paralyzed, stayed home and used his computer. As we arrived at the bowling alley, I received a text from Todd saying that he needed my help with his…

I’m Back to Wish Readers a Happy New Year

“Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.” —Mark Twain, in a letter to The New York Sun I spent the better part of November under the weather. I am always taken aback by the “uncommon” havoc the “common” cold can wreak on someone with the deficit baseline…