ALS awareness

Why I’m fully committed to promoting ALS awareness

As I’ve pointed out several times in this column, public awareness of ALS is vital to obtaining and sustaining progress in finding solutions to the myriad issues associated with the disease. Have you ever heard of NurOwn? It’s a stem cell therapy that is being considered for…

Why last week was special in the ALS community

I love inspirational quotes and sayings. Throughout my life, I’ve stumbled upon passages from books or snippets of speeches from public figures and recognized them as a helpful way for me to understand or think about a current challenge in life. In some cases, they’ve served as mantras — easy…

What the month of May now means to me

May has always been my favorite month of the year. Here in Maryland, the trees have filled in with lush green leaves, commercial crabbing boats have begun to quietly travel my small creek in the early dawn hours, and mallard ducks have returned to my yard. The evenings stay lighter…

How I raise ALS awareness, even at my ALS clinic

“So tell us, Dagmar, what’s your latest project?” The question came from my neurologist as we chatted during my recent ALS clinic visit. She asked not only for herself, but for the medical student who was also in the room. As I prattled on, part of my brain reflected…

Learning How to Answer the Question ‘What Is ALS?’

I remember the first time someone asked me, “What is ALS?” It was an awkward moment and the question caught me completely off guard. Why? Because only a few months earlier I had received an ALS diagnosis and was searching for the answer to that very question myself. “Um…