ALS Awareness Month

Answering the call for advocacy during ALS Awareness Month

May marks amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) awareness month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about ALS and answering the call to support those affected by the neurodegenerative disease. In the U.S. and internationally, baseball games, conferences, flag raisings, and community events are held during ALS Awareness Month to honor…

I’m promoting a different kind of ALS awareness this month

I love learning about all the great activities happening during ALS Awareness Month, but I also worry that we’re attracting the attention of unscrupulous health advocates and clinics who target vulnerable ALS patients and their families. My health-fraud antenna is on high alert. Spending 30 years managing the…

What the month of May now means to me

May has always been my favorite month of the year. Here in Maryland, the trees have filled in with lush green leaves, commercial crabbing boats have begun to quietly travel my small creek in the early dawn hours, and mallard ducks have returned to my yard. The evenings stay lighter…

Don’t Let Awareness Get Lost on the Already Aware

“What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a-happening, Why should you want to know? Don’t you mind about the future? Don’t you try to think ahead? Save tomorrow for tomorrow, Think about today instead.” — Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, “What’s the Buzz,” from the rock opera “Jesus Christ…

Why We Still Need More ALS Awareness

Did you know that May has been ALS Awareness Month for the past 30 years? Yes, that’s right, 30 years. Some probably think ALS awareness activities began in 2014 with the ice bucket challenge. At least that’s when many first pronounced the letters A-L-S before dumping a bucket of water…

Teaching and Learning About ALS Life

I’m always eager to help others improve their understanding of what it’s like to live with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Likewise, I enjoy learning more about what others in the ALS community think and feel about living with the condition. Recently, I had the opportunity to satisfy both interests and…

Borrowing Pages From the Oktoberfest Playbook

“What you need, my son Is a holiday in Cambodia Where people dress in black.” Those lyrics from the song “Holiday in Cambodia” by the punk rock band Dead Kennedys illustrate how counterintuitive any public holiday display may appear. Without knowing the context, all-black attire may seem odd. Yet,…