ALS Clinic

How I raise ALS awareness, even at my ALS clinic

“So tell us, Dagmar, what’s your latest project?” The question came from my neurologist as we chatted during my recent ALS clinic visit. She asked not only for herself, but for the medical student who was also in the room. As I prattled on, part of my brain reflected…

My Recovery Plans Come to the Rescue

If you happened to read my column last week, you’re probably thinking I’m writing this while sitting on a sunny beach, gazing at the ocean, and sipping a tropical drink with a little paper umbrella in it. That’s because I wrote about my busy month filled with ALS-related events,…

How I Use Recovery Plans to Face Stressful Events

This month, I have a few ALS-related activities scheduled that in the past could have easily left me feeling exhausted. But now that I’m following my own advice, I know my recovery plan will let me sail through the month with ease. I’ve often discussed the ALS symptoms of…

How Pivoting My Perspective Helps Me Live With ALS

I spent most of my life following daily habits and routines that shaped my perspective about how life ought to be. When ALS appeared, it brought change and created imaginary roadblocks in my mind. I didn’t want things to change, to learn new habits, or to adapt to my…

Planning and Preparing Help Me Live With ALS

Even though I believe I’m a pretty good planner and can strategize with the best of ‘em, last week threw me into a planning frenzy. I was anticipating my first in-person ALS clinic visit after nearly a year of online appointments with my neurologist. Pre-pandemic, I had many in-person…

I Treat My ALS Clinic Like an Olympic Challenge

Cue the heroic Olympic theme song, our competitor is ready to begin! As the timekeeper signals all onlookers to be silent, the athlete draws in a deep breath, then while slowly exhaling, counts out loud from one to 10. She successfully completes the task using just that single breath…

Taming My Runaway Thinking

Racing thoughts, runaway thoughts. Whatever you call ’em, I caught ’em. Yup, a case of full-blown, out-of-control, runaway thoughts. I hadn’t had them for years — not since the day I was told I had ALS. And then, like most newly diagnosed patients, I spent weeks and months imagining the…