living with ALS

Letting go of material things as ALS progresses

A decade ago, I purchased a fireproof lockbox to secure important papers, such as birth certificates, Social Security cards, and passports. I also stored several necklaces that my husband, Todd, had given to me, along with two watches he’d worn before he got ALS. Over the years, I added…

Association conference features living with ALS as part of program

A conference in July will feature “diverse perspectives,” including patient presentations and discussions featuring people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) along with clinical and research experts. That’s according to the ALS Association, which said its inaugural ALS Nexus Conference will be held July 14-17 at the Gaylord Texan Resort &…

How winter weather brings stress when living with ALS

I have always been a summer person, relishing how everything in nature quietly comes to life — lush, green grass, abundant wildlife, and densely leafy trees. To me, summer evokes peace, calm, and lazier days. My late husband, Jeff, on the other hand, was a winter person. As much as…

The strange calculations we make while living with ALS

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year was balsamic vinegar — two bottles, actually — that my husband, Todd, gave me. Todd has ALS and is paralyzed, so he spends time watching YouTube videos about various subjects. A couple months ago, he came across a video that explained…