familial ALS

Study in Twins Links Age-Related Changes in DNA Methylation with ALS

A study in identical twins or triplets found that changes in DNA marks, collectively known as DNA methylation and typically associated with aging, can like genetics play an important role to determining the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The four sets of ALS-affected and unaffected siblings carried age-related differences…

Investigational Therapy Tofersen Can Reduce Toxic SOD1 Protein Levels in Familial ALS Patients, Study Shows

Biogen’s investigational therapy tofersen can significantly reduce toxic levels of SOD1 protein and may slow disability progression in people with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) caused by SOD1 mutations, interim study results show. The positive data from a Phase 1/2 clinical trial support advancing the experimental compound into Phase 3…