ALS biomarker

Blink reflex test may be biomarker to diagnose, monitor ALS: Study

A test that assesses the electrical activity associated with blinking may help speed the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and monitor disease progression in people with the condition, a study found. Findings showed that certain electrical waves can significantly distinguish people with ALS from healthy controls or…

Non-Coding RNA May Serve as Blood-based Biomarker for ALS

Distinct RNA patterns in a person’s blood may signal the presence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a study reports. Researchers, led by Majid Hafezparast, PhD, a professor of molecular neuroscience at the University of Sussex in the U.K., discovered that certain types of non-coding RNA (ncRNA), a…

ALS Affects Visual Pathways and by Degree That May Serve as Disease Biomarker, Study Finds

Whether the damage done by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also affects visual pathways, namely the macula, is a matter of debate among scientists and physicians. Researchers at the Feinberg School of Medicine investigated this, comparing the macular structure of ALS patients and examining its correlation with pulmonary function tests, and concluded that macular…