ALS News Today Forums » All Posts Fri, 24 May 2024 04:29:38 -0500 en-US <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Tue, 14 May 2024 02:19:30 +0000 DaveAndKimberly Also, if you haven’t seen this article yet, it just came out:

Whistleblower Exposes Internal Email Suggesting Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Thu, 09 May 2024 17:04:10 +0000 DaveAndKimberly Thank you again for this link. I finally had a chance to fill it out

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Wed, 08 May 2024 13:03:33 +0000 Amanda This is the CDC website discussed.

On the lower right side there is a link to report adverse effects or concerns.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Wed, 08 May 2024 12:25:15 +0000 Birk My wife said she used the VAERS Link on the CDC website to file the report.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Thu, 02 May 2024 23:52:03 +0000 Roc I been wanting to talk about my onset ALS symptoms and covid ! I didn’t receive any of the vaccines for covid but in January of 2023 i got covid it was a mild case but was positive for covid!Then about a month and half later i had my first symptom of ALS which i was finally diagnosed on 2-14-24 ! I do believe that covid may have caused my bad gene to mutate I do know what the gene is and does and that was not good news so far now i would like to think everyone for sharing your thoughts and opinions! i will be praying for all of you!

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Wed, 01 May 2024 20:18:16 +0000 Carol I am a 75 year old female. I had 4 vaccines and covid in July 22. My symptoms started very much like your brother’s. In FEb. 2023 I developed a rash, joint pains, and my left hand swelled up like a balloon for about 12 nights in a row. I took 600MG of Ibuprofen and by noon it was gone. About 2 months later I developed facial and body twitches, muscle cramps, trouble swallowing, some slurring of words, sensitive skin, allodynia, some trouble breathing at night, dry mouth, dry eyes, numb toes and feet, burning skin, burning tongue, neuropathy in my feet. All of these symptoms happen sporadically and don’t impact my ability to function at this point. I have seen many doctors and they tell me I don’t have the weakness that indicates ALS. I firmly believe that I do have ALS and have thought so for the past year. I am on an emotional roller coaster and I really want to believe the doctors but after reading your post I am sure that I have ALS with similar symptoms as your brothers’. Up to this point I had not heard of a rash being indicative of ALS or the extreme swelling of my hand. To my knowledge no one in my family had ALS. I have had several COVid antibody tests and my antibodies are very high above what is indicated as normal. I feel these symptoms are the result of Covid and / or the vaccines. I still have the rash on my chest. I still am fairly active and have been active my entire life. However, when doing activities on my feet I feel neuropathy and legs cramps. They seem to move from one area of my body to another. My mind is always preoccupied with thinking about ALS and its ramifications.

Copper 74

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Wed, 01 May 2024 19:48:37 +0000 Hal Hi Dagmar…Given there are likely multiple causes for ALS… including some cases being linked to auto immune issues, it is not a reach to assume some cases could possibly be linked to immune system changes. As vaccines work by adjusting one’s immune system, it is totally feasible that some ALS cases can be associated with getting any vaccine

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Sun, 28 Apr 2024 19:19:59 +0000 DaveAndKimberly Which CDC site did you input your information?

I’ve completed the CDC ALS survey info, but never received a call about the batch numbers that have affected Kimbelry. Thanks

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: COVID-19 and correlation with ALS symptoms]]> Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:39:12 +0000 Leonard M Bozza My wife first notice Bulbar ALS syptoms 2 weeks after having Covid in Jan 2021. We have always felt that there was a connection between the Covid and her ALS.. Her Neurologist at UVA felt that it was a coincidence.. After doing some research myself I contacted Doctor Smoith At the NIH in Maryland.. When I told him of my wife’s situation he asked what her Neurologist thought about the possible Covid connection When I told him that her doctor felt that it was a coincidence he siad “He is wrong. There is a connection but we just don’tknow what it is at this timet”.

I have very simple question that no one has been able to answer.. Has the reported cases of ALS gone up in the last three years when compared to the years before COVID?

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: ALS and Coronovirus]]> Tue, 16 Apr 2024 23:48:39 +0000 Birk I recently was diagnosed with ALS by Mayos in December. It took over a year for me to get a diagnosis. In the end, they determined it was ALS but nearly all the neurologists I’ve seen, six of them, said my ALS is a-typical. I was tested for the genetic form and was found to be negative in that regards. My wife was an ER nurse during the whole pandemic. We got all the vaccinations. For me, that was 5 Pfizers. I never got Covid that I new of. I acknowledge I could have been one of the asymptomatic persons. The night we got back from Mayo’s after my diagnosis, my wife filed a report with the CDC letting them know that I had been diagnosed with ALS. The intake form asked for my Covid 19 vaccination records including the batch codes for each dose. The very next morning, at 8a sharp, the CDC called my cell phone to thank me for filing the report and to ask a number of follow-up questions. They said not very many people were reporting and they were trying hard to gather data to decide if there is a link worth investigating. Without data, it will be impossible so if you haven’t already, please file your own report whether you think it caused/accelerated or had no effect on your ALS. They need data! By the way, my symptoms showed up just after my 2nd Pfizer shot (booster). I was like many of those already posted above. Your story is my story. I was out running. The run started out fine but after a 1/2 mile or so, I stubbed my right foot, tripped, and fell. My right leg never worked right again. That was 3 years ago end of March. In May of 2021 I began to develop lightheadedness that progressed to the point that by August of 2023 I felt like I was tipsy all the time. My right hand began developing weakness in the summer of 2021. I put all these things down to old age at first as I had turned 60 in April of 2021. Not having grown old before I didn’t know what to expect. I eventually declined to the point I finally went to my PCP in October of 2022 which eventually led to my diagnosis by Mayo’s in December of 2023. I was never suspicious that the vaccine could somehow be related to my ALS until the CDC asked for my vaccination records and personally called me back within 12 hours of filing my report and then reading the other posts on this thread. I’m an engineer and very analytical. Based on the above, I think there is ample probability there is a link that should be studied properly. Please share your data with the CDC so the proper determination can be made. Stay strong all off you! Sincerely Jeff
