• Posted by Mladenko on October 19, 2023 at 11:33 am

    Hallo..im mladen from croatia, i really need some advice or help..my english maybe isnt perfect but i hope you will understand me . My simptoms start one year before, with ptoblem with my ring finger on my right hand, then i have problems with booth hand, i have clumsines ..some weaknes..then star my fascikulations..in my calves and feet non stop..and random twitches all over my body, my back, scholders..hands..i have eeaknes but not clinical weaknes..i have hipotrofies, atrofies, but total simetrical..nin stop burping and jawing..ibhave few exam..clinical exam..normal reflex, no uper m neuron isues, no clinical weaknes.. and my emng come clear..can i still have als..because we exclude every other condisin..my blood work, mri..everithing cimes clear

    Amanda replied 7 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Dagmar

    October 19, 2023 at 12:37 pm

    Hello Mladenko, thank you for including photos along with the description of your symptoms – – but, our forum is not to be used for diagnosis and/or opinions if you do or do not have ALS. I am sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms… if all the tests are coming back as being OK, you should seek the opinion of another doctor. I understand you feel desperate, but asking a crowd of strangers is not advisable. Have you tried ALS Worldwide https://alsworldwide.org/

  • Otto

    October 19, 2023 at 6:26 pm

    If you have ALS, consider this blog post: http://www.preventivehealth.blog/2023/08/13/als-amyotrophic-lateral-sclerosis/

    • Dagmar

      October 23, 2023 at 4:30 pm

      Thank you for sharing… but… I must caution our forum members that the article (blog post??) contains a lot of inaccurate information. Some of the information is valid “eat nutritional foods” but interspersed is weird stuff – – eat on a strict schedule, plus recommendations for supplements that have only been studied on mice (not humans). Overall, it reads as if an AI wrote it.

      • Amanda

        October 24, 2023 at 6:44 pm

        I agree whole heartedly agree. On a side note, much of what is recommended I have doing since I was in my twenties. I eat blackberries, raspberries and blueberries almost daily!

  • Marcelyn K. Harness

    October 19, 2023 at 10:47 pm

    I would suggest that you get a diagnosis from a reputable source. I would recommend you make an appointment at the ALS clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland in the U.S. I would recommend:

    • Jeffrey Rothstein, M.D., Ph. D.

    I know that it would be a difficult trip for you but I would do it immediately to see what disease or condition you are dealing with, confirm whether it is ALS. He was the one who diagnosed our beautiful child after other doctors just stumbled around and wasted time,

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