ALS News Today Forums Forums Using Our Forums Happy 6 year Birthday to the ALS News Today Forums!!

  • Happy 6 year Birthday to the ALS News Today Forums!!

    Posted by Amanda on March 11, 2024 at 12:37 pm

    Dagmar and I started moderatoring the forums when it was launched in March 2018. We were both excited each time we saw someone join. Then we watched the discussions take off and the online community grow. We learned from one another and have built a strong partnership to support all of you.

    It is hard for me to believe that I’ve held this part-time job for 6 years. It has been my favorite job of all time – mainly because it affords me the opportunity to help others and their families with ALS related concerns.

    I want to thank Dagmar for being the best co-moderator a person could ask for. We make a heck of team and support each other at every turn. I also want to thank each of you. Because of you I get to keep doing something that brings me joy.

    Happy Birthday to the Forum. Thank you to all the community members that read, contribute and keep our online community going.


    Amanda Sifford

    Dagmar replied 2 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Dagmar

    March 12, 2024 at 12:12 pm

    awww… 😀 Thank you Amanda for that – – we are a team and we both enjoy helping the members of this forum community in any way we can. You are a wonderful partner to have in this endeavor. Congratulations to you too!

    6 years is a long time in “ALS years.” I’m grateful that our forum members decided to join – – their voices and opinions add much to our ongoing discussions. Although, I’ll admit to being shocked that we welcome nearly 10 new members per week – – that means 10 more ALS diagnoses – – 10 too many having ALS without a cure yet on the horizon! I am grateful the ALS News Today Forum is a safe harbor for us while we wait.

    Amanda and I are always open to your suggestions – – so members, please don’t hesitate to chime in or send a message. I look forward to another year of friendship, community, and pushing for a cure! 😀

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