living in the present

How I’ve benefited from finding flow with my ALS

I’ll admit I often worry if I’m being productive with my time and spending it wisely. That’s always been important to me, but it intensified the day I was told I had ALS. That’s when I heard the words “average life expectancy of two to five years” and left…

I Just Received a Diagnosis of ALS. What Now?

Sometimes the simplest things can help us the most. That’s what I learned in the months right after I received a diagnosis of ALS. Like most newly diagnosed ALS patients, I felt overwhelmed trying to find out what ALS was, not really wanting to know, and just wishing…

Changing Your Expectations While Living with ALS

Last week, I had several email exchanges with ALS patients who wrote about their feelings of anger because ALS had robbed them of the life they had planned to live. I certainly can relate. I felt exactly the same way after my diagnosis. I told them what had helped…

Don’t Let ALS Define Who You Are

Once in a while, a newly diagnosed ALS patient will reach out to me and ask for help in their adjustment to life with ALS. I’m always happy to share resources, motivation, and tips, and usually, I begin our online friendship with the question, “Tell me a little about yourself?”…

An Old Dog Teaches Me New Tricks

I found a walking buddy, and he’s teaching me how to live with my husband’s ALS. When my gym closed, I turned to cross-country skiing every day. When the snow melted, I took up Nordic walking around our fields. One day, returning from my walk, I went to check…